Curriculum Complements:

 Sagamore Hills Elementary School 

SHES is thrilled to offer a wide-variety of enrichment opportunities for our Wildcats.  





Program Description



Accelerated Reader is an online program accessed via Renaissance Learning on your child’s Clever  account. AR helps parents and teachers encourage and monitor their students’ reading. Children pick a  book and either read the book or listen to the story. When finished, children take a short quiz on the AR  program. AR gives children, teachers, and librarians feedback based on the quick results. The AR testing window is open from 7am–3:30pm M -F, and follows the Dekalb County School calendar. Students who  meet their AR goal are invited to attend the Reading Celebration at the end of the year.

Chess Club

Chess Club is designed to give students an opportunity to learn the game of chess, improve their chess  skills, and to enjoy challenging their peers, while experiencing healthy competition and team spirit. Chess  is used to develop critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making. Chess Club will meet after  school on Tuesdays from 2:45-3:45pm. Sign up information will be sent home soon.


Epic School is a free plan that gives students and teachers access to 20,000 digital books, weekdays  from 7am–3pm. Sagamore teachers share a class code with students and use Epic School as a reading  center. Students' daily reading is automatically recorded on Epic. Students in K-2 who meet their Epic!  goal are invited to attend the Reading Celebration at the end of the year.



The Geography Bee is an individual academic competition that tests students’ knowledge of geography  and builds excitement for and curiosity about the world around us. It works much like a spelling bee  except that students are asked geography questions.

Math Fact 


Conquer new heights while mastering math facts! Students will work on mastering basic math facts, each  “mountain” presenting a new challenge. Students will have 3 minutes to complete each challenge, and  once students have mastered a mountain their name will be added to the mountain display board near  the cafeteria. Please connect with your child’s teacher to see how they use this program in their classroom.

Math Stars

The purpose of Math Stars is to challenge students beyond the classroom setting. It is hoped that in  accepting the challenge of mathematical problem solving, students, their parents, and their teachers will  be led to explore new mathematical horizons. Challenges will come home in Thursday folders and should  be returned by the end of the month. Students who complete all challenges each semester are invited to a special Math Stars Celebration.



Math Teams comprised of 2-6 students compete in a regional math tournament.

Reading Bowl Club

The Reading Bowl Club is a buzzer competition using book questions from the annual Georgia Book  Award Nominee list. To be eligible to join, your 4th or 5th grader must read at least one GA Book Award  book and take the AR quiz before the first meeting. The students with the most points during club practice  will form a team that will compete at the district level Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl competition in January.  Reading Bowl books are reserved in the school library for our club participants. Titles are also available  as eBooks on Sora through the Dekalb County Library or you may buy the books. Reading Bowl Club will  meet Mondays from 2:20-3pm.




Hosted by the Georgia and National PTAs, the Reflections Art Competition provides an excellent  opportunity for students to unleash their creative talents and express themselves through their artwork.  This year's theme is "Accepting Imperfection." Students are invited to express the theme in six categories:  dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts.

River of 


The River of Words Project is a FREE program designed to help preK-12 students understand their sense  of place by studying the natural world in their own environment then expressing what they discover  through poetry and art. Some classroom teachers incorporate this into their lessons plans and children are  also welcome to create entries at homes.



Dekalb County's annual STEM competition provides standard-based challenges such as barge building,  paper rockets, mystery architecture and more. Students will work in pairs to practice after-school to  prepare for the competition held locally in Dekalb County.

Spelling Bee

The Spelling Bee promotes the love of language and vocabulary while helping students improve their  spelling and increase their vocabularies. Students will compete in preliminary rounds in their classrooms.  The top spellers from each class will move on to the school-wide competition.

STEM Night 

A free, hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics experience with demonstrations and  activities for the whole family to enjoy! 


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